CAIRN.INFO : Matières à réflexion

The precautionary principle finds its origin in international law and in the field of the environment but he quickly invested national law and expanded its scope to health issues, as shown by the health crisis that occurred in France since the 1980s. What is the room left to civil law? The reality of a certain ‘dialogue’ brings a denial to those who saw the marriage of water and fire (I). In fact, civil law uses the concept of precaution in consideration of the question of liability because the precaution has become an element of assessment of the conditions of liability and its effects (II).
What are the differences that exist between precautionary principle and civil liability? What consequences can have the adoption of the precautionary principle in the law of responsibility?
The precautionary principle anticipates the risk while civil liability regulates its consequences. It is therefore aimed more at collective risk. Its direct recipients are primarily public authorities while civil liability is primarily aimed at individual damages falling under the responsibility of private individuals.
The precautionary principle mobilizes new concepts: the existence of risk of serious or irreversible damage, the lack of absolute scientific certainty, the requirement to take precautionary measures. Conversely, in civil liability, only future and certain damage may be compensated.
In fact, the precautionary principle applies not only to public authorities. It also influences the law of civil liability but this influence does not lead to radical changes…


The precautionary principle finds its origin in international law and in the field of the environment but he quickly invested national law and expanded its scope to health issues, as shown by the health crisis that occurred in France since the 1980s. What is the room left to civil law? The reality of a certain ‘dialogue’ brings a denial to those who saw the marriage of water and fire. In fact, civil law uses the concept of precaution in consideration of the question of liability because the precaution has become an element of assessment of the conditions of liability and its effects.


  • precautionary principle
  • civil law

Principe de précaution et droit civil

Le principe de précaution trouve son origine dans le droit international mais il a rapidement investi le droit national et élargi son champ d’application de l’environnement aux problèmes de santé, comme le montre la crise de la santé qui s’est produite en France depuis les années 80. Quelle place fait-il au droit civil ? La réalité d’un certain « dialogue » entre principe de précaution et droit civil est un déni pour ceux qui y ont vu le mariage de l’eau et du feu car, de fait, le droit civil utilise le concept de précaution en tenant compte de la question de la responsabilité parce que la précaution est devenue un élément d’évaluation des conditions de responsabilité et de ses effets.


  • principe de précaution
  • droit civil
Christian Byk [*]
  • [*]
    Court of appeal, Paris and Secretary general, International Association of Law, Ethics and Science.
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