CAIRN.INFO : Matières à réflexion

1The television series “Real Humans” shows us the risks of the cohabitation of android robots, created to serve men (for tasks that are repetitive or thankless, industrial or domestic, including “safer sex”) and humans who are divided over the use of these “hubots” alongside humans. In the same vein there was the film “Mondwest” (1974) which presents a theme park where the clients, without danger or consequences, can satisfy their fantasies of violence and sex with androids. Yul Brynner plays the rôle of an android cowboy with icy eyes who refuses to carry out his programme and soon all the robots go wrong – or set off to hunt the humans.

2Although an illustration of man’s omnipotence, will the robots escape it and become the enemies of man? However, doesn’t this risk, or at least the reflection that it should inspire, already emerge from a less apparent technology: not the one that sets up robots that resemble us but the one that creates an interface between men and « robotic » tools (« mobile » computers and phones), and even inserts artefacts into the human body (electronic chips, the rôle of neurosciences…)?

3If we cannot ask ourselves questions hic et nunc about what remains of our human condition, aren’t we already invited to wonder if the transformation of means of communication doesn’t already reduce our cultural capacity to build a civilisation with components other than technoscientific ones?

Christian Byk
General Editor
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Mis en ligne sur le 05/11/2013
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