CAIRN.INFO : Matières à réflexion

Jean-Daniel Collomb: Since the end of 2018, the idea of a Green New Deal (GND) for the United States has attracted a great deal of attention, both positive and negative, from across the political spectrum. The basic idea behind the Green New Deal is to launch a national mobilization to bring about the rapid decarbonization of the US economy comparable to the mobilization of the US economy during WWII, while also taking radical steps to further economic and racial equality. How politically feasible is the GND? Is it politically desirable for the Democratic Party to get behind it? Or, are Republicans, like Mitch McConnell, justified in assuming that the GND may turn out to be a political liability for the Democratic party in future election cycles?
Michael E. Kraft: The GND is not politically feasible in its initial form, and Republicans are very likely to use it against Democratic nominees over the next few years if it plays well for them to do so. It is not unusual, however, for an abstract concept and proposal to gain support over time, and the GND may attract considerable support in a few years, especially in a modified form that is less sweeping than originally proposed. It is clear by spring of 2020 that most Democrats support sweeping action on climate change, while most Republicans do not. So, the trick with the GND is to find ways to build Republican and conservative support, perhaps through greater emphasis on how the proposal can help to fuel economic growth as well as deal with climate change…

Jean-Daniel Collomb [**]
  • [**]
    This interview (October 5, 2020) is divided into 4 main sections in an attempt to address the most important issues in the field of energy and the environment in the United States since Donald J. Trump became president: climate change (the longest section), pollution control, the management of public lands, and the political prospects of the US environmental movement.
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