CAIRN.INFO : Matières à réflexion

For the first time, the majority of Americans are in agreement that climate change – or what is increasingly referred to as the “climate crisis” or “climate emergency” – is happening and express concern regarding the near and long-term threat. With editorial boards across the country committing to the Covering Climate Now initiative, Greta Thunberg named the 2019 “TIME Person of the Year,” popular musicians and celebrities such as Grimes and Billie Eilish singing about the “Anthropocene” and “climate apocalypse,” and the writers of Big Little Lies developing an entire episode around kids’ climate anxieties, American media-makers are also clearly interested in the climate crisis like never before.
With this unprecedented level of public concern and media attention regarding the climate crisis coinciding with the 2016 election of President Trump and rising authoritarian tendencies in the United States, how the threats of the climate crisis are represented and also how these representations shape responses are of paramount importance for analysis. Indeed, representations of the climate crisis are intensely fraught and immensely important. Existing scholarship shows how in moments of disruption and uncertainty various state, military, and/or corporate interests seek to harness authority over definition and control over response. Ultimately striving to flatten historical particularities and obscure structural causes of harm, these well-resourced actors – if successful – avoid accountability and systemic change by alienating those who are most impacted and vulnerable…


With an unprecedented level of public concern and media attention regarding the climate crisis coinciding with the 2016 election of President Trump and rising authoritarian tendencies in the United States, how the threats of the climate crisis are represented and also how these representations shape responses are of paramount importance for analysis. Through an historically-contextualized critical discourse analysis informed by critical cultural, feminist, postcolonial, and decolonial theories of power, this paper interrogates cultural processes of erasure whereby disparities of environmental risk are obscured, and asymmetries of power are entrenched through discourse and ways of seeing.


Alors que l’opinion publique et les grands médias n’ont jamais accordé autant d’attention à la crise climatique (une évolution qui se produit dans le contexte de l’élection de Donald Trump en 2016 et de la montée de tendances autoritaires aux États-Unis), il est crucial d’analyser les représentations des menaces portées par la crise climatique mais aussi la manière dont ces représentations façonnent les réponses apportées à cette crise. À travers une analyse critique du discours fondée sur le contexte historique ainsi que sur les théories culturelle, féministe, postcoloniale et décoloniale du pouvoir, cet article interroge les processus culturels d’effacement par lesquels les inégalités face aux risques environnementaux sont obscurcies et les asymétries de pouvoir se trouvent renforcées par le discours et les manières de percevoir le monde.

Hanna E. Morris
Hanna Morris is an interdisciplinary scholar of media, culture, and the climate crisis. She is a PhD candidate at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania where she is currently finishing her dissertation entitled “Apocalyptic Authoritarianism in the United States: Power, Media, and Climate Crisis.” Hanna’s research and writing have been published in various academic journals and popular media outlets including Environmental Communication, Media Theory, Reading the Pictures, and Earth Island Journal. She is also the co-editor of the forthcoming book entitled Climate Change and Journalism: Negotiating Rifts of Time (Routledge).
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