CAIRN.INFO : Matières à réflexion

Autonomy has become in many countries a key concept in the patient-physician relationship, leaving the old paternalistic medical attitude out of the realm of common good clinical practice.
Consequently, the validity of the informed consent procedure which is related to any medical intervention, should imply that the information given is true.
Raising the question as such obliges us to consider the truth not for itself but in regard to the validity of the consent to a medical intervention.
Although a clinical approach reveals that loyalty should guide the patient-physician relationship, there are still some situations in which informed consent and truth telling may be controversial: in some circumstances, the physician should or may not tell the truth, in others he can simply forget to tell.
If we use French law as an example, the history of the notion of informed consent has culminated in 2002 with the adoption of the Patient’s Rights Act which has introduced in the Public Health Code a principle that recognizes that “every person has a right to be informed about his/her health”. Therefore, it might seem paradoxical that the physician is still obliged in some circumstances not to tell the truth or is free to decide to not disclose it to the patient.
They are two main cases in which not telling the truth becomes the rule. First, this is when the patient so wishes. Second, it concerns randomised trials.
The existence of a right not to know may appear illogical for two reasons…



Dans de nombreux pays l’autonomie est devenue un concept clé dans la relation patient-médecin, bannissant la vieille attitude paternaliste du domaine de la bonne pratique clinique.
Par conséquent, la validité de la procédure du consentement éclairé qui est liée à toute intervention médicale devrait impliquer que les informations données sont vraies.
Le fait de soulever cette question en tant que telle nous oblige à considérer la vérité non pas pour elle-même mais par rapport à la validité du consentement à une intervention médicale.
Bien que l’approche clinique révèle que la fidélité doit guider la relation patient-médecin, il subsiste quelques situations où le consentement éclairé et le fait de dire la vérité peuvent s’avérer discutables : en certaines circonstances, le médecin ne doit pas ou ne peut pas dire la vérité, en d’autres il peut tout simplement oublier de la dire.


  • consentement éclairé
  • autonomie
  • révélation de la vérité
  • droit de ne pas savoir
  • essai thérapeutique
  • randomisation
  • relation médecin patient
  • pouvoir médical


Autonomy has become in many countries a key concept in the patient-physician relationship, leaving the old paternalistic medical attitude out of the realm of common good clinical practice.
Consequently, the validity of the informed consent procedure which is related to any medical intervention, should imply that the information given is true.
Raising the question as such obliges us to consider the truth not for itself but in regard to the validity of the consent to a medical intervention.
Although a clinical approach reveals that loyalty should guide the patient-physician relationship, there are still some situations in which informed consent and truth telling may be controversial: in some circumstances, the physician should or may not tell the truth, in others he can simply forget to tell.


  • informed consent
  • autonomy
  • truth disclosure
  • right not to know
  • clinical trial
  • random selection
  • physician patient relationship
  • medical power
Judge Christian Byk [*]
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